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In the Studio with Lophiile
In the Studio with Lophiile: Vocal Production
Intro and the Unprocessed Vocals (3:21)
Basic Vocal Chain - Compression, EQ, and DeEsser (8:31)
Effects - Doubler and Reverb (8:02)
Effects- Chorus and Delay (8:46)
Multiband Dynamics- Taming Specific Frequencies (2:45)
Applying Effects based on Arrangement (1:48)
Vocal Processing for Harmonies (7:13)
Working with Adlibs (2:58)
Applying Automation (5:39)
Reverse Effects and Transitions (6:45)
Final Touches- EQ & Sidechain Compression (8:19)
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Basic Vocal Chain - Compression, EQ, and DeEsser
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